Library and IT Announcements

To: Paul Smith’s College faculty and staff

Delivered: August 11, 2020

这个夏天CQ9电子都在努力为学生做准备. 我很珍惜与你们一起工作的时间,因为CQ9电子开发了创造性的方法来继续关心CQ9电子的社区, keeping CQ9电子 a safe and healthy place to work and learn. 我想公开感谢我的IT和图书馆团队以及其他校园部门,他们非常努力地让CQ9电子为秋季做好准备. 以下是图书馆和技术服务的一些更新,将于今年秋天到位.:

Library Services (more details on our FAQ page):

  • Hours and Opening Dates
    • 图书馆将于8月18日(星期二)上午7:30正式开放. CQ9电子想早一点开业,但地毯清洁和空间准备工作让CQ9电子的日程安排很紧.
    • CQ9电子的秋季上课时间与之前的学期相似——上午7:30 -晚上10点, F 730am-5pm, Sat 1pm-5pm, Sun 2pm-10pm
    • 周六下午1-2点和周日下午2-3点将保留给有高风险因素的顾客. We kindly ask that others avoid the library during this time.
  • Circulation
    • 图书馆将继续分发包括书籍在内的实物资料, laptops, electronics, etc. but we will be closing the book stacks from general browsing. Books can be acquired by request.
    • 纸质材料返回后将被隔离4天——这是COVID-19在这些表面上存活的时间.
    • 小型电子产品在再循环之前将通过化学或紫外线消毒.
    • 纸质报纸将从前台移除,只有在有特殊要求的情况下才会提供. CQ9电子有一个广泛的电子报纸收集,并希望大多数材料将保持可访问的方式.
    • The archives will continue to be available by appointment only and all used materials will be quarantined for 4 days.
    • Most laptops (13) will now have a 1 week checkout. Two laptop will be available for 3-day checkouts.
  • Course Reserves:
    • 课程储备将不会以传统的实物形式提供. CQ9电子将为需要这种选择的教师提供电子储备,并将为教师提供以下两种扫描选择:
      • 要求CQ9电子扫描1章(书的10%)你指定的文本在储备(电子邮件) CQ9电子要求教师在新学期的头几周对CQ9电子有耐心,因为CQ9电子正在研究这些新的工作流程. We anticipate scanning requests to take 1-3 days to complete. Faculty will receive a pdf scan of the chapter.
      • Check out their book to scan themselves. 如果您需要帮助,CQ9电子可以帮助您学习使用KIC扫描仪.
  • Reference
    • 参考服务将以网上和面对面的方式提供,并以网上服务为重点. 图书管理员可以在学生和图书管理员之间6英尺的指定空间与学生见面.
    • Patrons can make appointments to meet with librarians via Starfish.
  • Instruction
    • 如果课堂空间允许教学,将恢复面对面教学. 否则,教学服务将通过Zoom/Canvas在线提供.
    • Contact Mackenzie Davison (电子新的学生成功图书管理员的指导预约-欢迎麦肯齐!
  • Space
    • As per the college’s safety protocols, masks will be required by all patrons in the building.
    • We will be closing the book stacks from general browsing. Books can be acquired by request.
    • 图书馆周围设置了卫生站和纸卷,供用户在餐桌上工作时使用
    • 所有电脑都将有一个小型清洁站,以鼓励用户保持他们的电脑空间清洁和安全.
    • CQ9电子在整栋楼都放置了方向标记和社交距离标志.
    • CQ9电子已经移走了椅子,分发了家具,以鼓励保持社交距离.
    • No food, just beverages (encourages mask usage).
    • The library will provide “contactless” book pickup services for all patrons and direct mailbox delivery for faculty.
    • PPE has been installed around the service desks
  • eBooks
    • 图书馆有大量的电子书收藏——超过20万种. 请CQ9电子,如果你想找到材料来帮助支持你的课程或找到 eBooks or Audiobooks for pleasure reading.
    • We are favoring the purchase of eBooks when the availability, licensing, and pricing options make the most sense to do so. Need a book? Let us know.
  • Safety
    • 图书馆要求教师考虑让学生通过Canvas以电子方式提交所有作业. 这将有助于减少浪费,并减少图书馆最繁忙的区域之一——打印机的交通. 图书馆的印刷工人工作很努力,每年印刷超过35万页——减少印刷页数会有所帮助.

Technology Services:

  • Common Issues:
    • Email or call 518-327-6465 for help.
    • Can’t connect to secure wifi? This this: Settings -> Network & Internet -> WIFI (Found on left side bar) -> Show available networks -> Right Mouse Click on (CQ9电子 WIFI Secure 5G) -> Forget this network -> Then reconnect and sign in using your Paul Smiths account.
  • Equipment
    • 如果你需要的话,教职员可以在教职员办公室拿一个可选的网络摄像头和一个USB延长线.
  • Trainings
    • 在整个夏季,为教师提供了多种培训机会. 将您所有的Canvas和教学技术问题提交到IT帮助台 在今年秋天开始上课之前,安排一个一对一支持的时间.
    • Trainings over the summer are available on the Canvas Faculty Learning Center page.
  • Ed Tech and Podium Computers
    • 当你带着电子设备(网络摄像头)时,帮助减少在教室里对IT帮助的需求, document cameras, etc.) faculty have been made computer administrators on podium computers allowing you to install/edit software. We will reimage computers that have security problems so p请不要将将来可能需要的文件保存到讲台计算机上.
  • Protection
    • CQ9电子订购的硅胶键盘套和鼠标套可能会到货 after 开始上课,CQ9电子暂时使用保鲜膜. 这将允许您在教室里使用清洁用品清洁键盘/鼠标-请在使用前后进行清洁. Same with copiers/printers.
    • 当这些物品需要更换时,请告诉CQ9电子.

Feel free to send any questions to or (IT) and our teams will work hard to respond. These are strange times, 但CQ9电子的希望是,作为一个校园,CQ9电子能够团结起来,向彼此表明CQ9电子关心CQ9电子的社区——这需要耐心, understanding, and compassion. I look forward to doing great things with you all this fall.


Mike Beccaria


Director of Library and Technology Services

Paul Smith’s College

7833 New York 30
Paul Smiths, NY 12970


Key Contacts

Campus Safety
Holly Parker, Director
(518) 327-6300

COVID Coordinator
Teresa Grosskopf
(518) 327-6451